Monday, February 2, 2009

Heavy Snow

LONDON, Feb. 2 -- A beautiful yet crippling blanket of snow fell across much of England on Monday, causing transportation nightmares but giving rise to thousands of cheery snowmen in a nation barely equipped for heavy winter weather. Nearly a foot of snow had landed in London by midday and another solid dump was expected Monday night in what meteorologists called the heaviest snowfall in nearly two decades. Snow also caused transportation disruptions in France and Ireland, as the icy weather blew westward across northern Europe.

I got that report from the Washington Post. And I got the image from Google.

Mom sent this image to the left. This was taken from her flat window. She left me a voice mail earlier saying she hasn't gone outside all day because no one plows the roads or even shovels. And I guess she doesn't have skis like the guy pictured in the first image.

Coming up next:
Stourhead, Winchester, Portchester, and Mom's first British haircut experience.

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